We are currently amidst a remarkable era marked by the swift advancement and impactful utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computational Technologies, ushering in what is commonly referred to as the fifth industrial revolution, or Industry 5.0. This transformative phase is characterized by a synergistic relationship between machines and humans, aimed at enhancing production by delivering tailored products that align precisely with customers’ needs and desires. In the landscape of Industry 5.0, the cornerstone principles revolve around Responsible Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. These principles ensure that AI and Data Science practices are imbued with transparency, effectively documenting data, models, and decision processes, while also addressing biases and safeguarding data privacy. The evolution and adoption of Responsible AI and Data Science not only unlock unprecedented economic opportunities and spur growth but also fortify safety and security measures, underpinning the foundation of this new technology. The aim of the conference is to stimulate interaction and convergent among researchers active in the areas of Responsible AI and Data Science. All topics are in the context of Trustworthy and Responsible AI and Data Science.