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2nd CNES CCT workshop on passive reflectometry using radiocom space signals
Calais, France

The SPACE REFLECTO 2011 International Workshop on reflectometry will be held in Calais Coquelles, Calais (F), Octobre27-28, 2011. The workshop brings together members of Space agencies with researchers from allied fields such as earth observation and engineering science. The scope of the workshop includes all aspects of space reflectometry with emphasis on signal of opportunities, hardware and signal processing techniques, and applications of reflectometry. 

Topics of interest include: 

Space signals used for reflectometry: 
- New wide spectrum GNSS signals (ALTBOC, others) 
- MBOC and BOC GNSS signals 
- GNSS signals transmitted by Geostationary satellites 
- LEO telecom constellation signals (Globalstar, Iridium, OFDM ?) 
- GEO telecom signals 
- Multifrequency processing 
- Reflecto link and error budgets 
- Impacts of the used modulation (PN codes ?) 
- Other types of signals used for reflectometry 
- Impact of the satellite coverage: global or local ?spots? (dyn.; static) 

Sensing hardware and techniques near the ground or water, on board planes or satellites: 
- Impact of the ionosphere, impact of the surface state 
- State of the art of antennas for reflectometry (single or  multibeams, stearing or fixed beam ?) 
- State of the art and prospects for GNSS receivers,telecom receivers ? 
- Bistatic transmitters (LEO constellations ?) 
- Planned missions 
- Radiometry/GNSS-R synergies 
- Simulators 
- Models 
- Data and users 
- Observability 
- Other hardware, software, techniques and analysis 

Propagation characteristics of satellite navigation signals: 
- GNSS chanel models in urban and indoor environments, 
- Simulation and test developpement, 
- Multipath modelling, 
- Multipath mitigation 

Applications and Requirements: 
- agriculture: soil moisture measurements, etc. 
- observation of the fallen trees in forests 
- in-door or in-town reflectometry 
- sea-surface roughness observations 
- sea-level monitoring, tsunami observations 
- observation of coastal bands 
- ship detection 
- observation of ice and dry snow 
- navigation 
Important deadline: 
Electronic submission of two pages (A4) abstract: 1 August 2011 
Notification of acceptance: September 1, 2011  
Scientific & Technical Committee: 

Bernard BONHOURE (CNES - Toulouse) 
Christophe MACABIAU (ENAC - Toulouse) 
Félix PEROSANZ (CNES - Toulouse) 
François SOULAT (Ste CLS - Toulouse) 
Jean-Bernard CHOQUEL (ULCO - Calais) 
Jean-Luc ISSLER (CNES -Toulouse) 
Laurent LESTARQUIT (CNES - Toulouse) 
Lionel RIES (CNES - Toulouse) (*) 
Mohamed SAHMOUDI (ISAE, Toulouse) 
René GARELLO (ENST Bretagne/GET, Brest) 
Serge REBOUL (ULCO - Calais) 
Thierry CHONAVEL (Telecom Bretagne, Brest) 
Mohammed BENJELLOUN (ULCO - Calais) 
Didier MASSONNET (CNES - Toulouse) 
Cyril BOTTERON (EPFL- Lausanne) 
Jean Yves TOURNERET (IRIT- Toulouse) 
Bertrand CHAPRON (IFREMER- Brest) 

Best Regards